wow this is great :D so many songs i recognize yet I can't remember the name for 0:51 - 1:17 could anyone please respond or inbox it to me please? great work putting all these tunes together in a great mix.
wow this is great :D so many songs i recognize yet I can't remember the name for 0:51 - 1:17 could anyone please respond or inbox it to me please? great work putting all these tunes together in a great mix.
It is "I'm Blue" of Eiffel65.
oh wow. Badass beat man.
This is actually really good compared to alot of ABSOLUTE CRAP that gets put into high ratings in audio portal. This song has definitely got me hooked and earned a big fat 5/5, 10/10 and a DL to my iPod ;P great job with this tune and I'd love to see more masterpieces like this one come along ^^ Keep up the Great Work and Don't Stop Making Music!
I Plan To Live Forever, So Far, So Good
- Lamazar
The good stuff (actually, pretty much everything) always gets voted down by the people who want their crap to get to the top. It's just a fact of the audio portal. Can't do much about them.
But thanks for this review! I'm glad you liked it!
he clearly says hes re-doing the original song from memory cuz he hasnt heard it in 8 months, therefore you Fail, learn to read =P
9/10 5/5 good job
Thank you, i'll be coming back to this project pretty soon :D
well, i dun see what rav3shaw means...
Anyhow, ur synths dun cause me this "pain" in my ears that rav3shaw is feeling so i have no clue what he means cuz im listening to it on headphones just fine o-o
5/5 9/10 good job
Thank you! And by the way, thanks for the 10/10 even though you said you gave me a 9/10. I'm guessing this was on accident? xD
really great!
I honestly can say this is a great song besides the a little bit of fuzziness i hear, but its been doing that on all songs so im beginning to blame my speakers =D great job 10/10 5/5 DL'ed
Thank you!
you have made a musical my friends must be a music GOD...10/10 5/5 and fav'd and DLed
haha thank you very much! :D
oo man, nice!
i was just checking new songs on NG today and boom there u are at the top of the new song list. I must say this is a good song and the first im hearing from ur works. IM IN AWE and u r now fav'd ^_^ good job with this one 10/10 5/5 ur newest fan Lamazar1 ^_^ keep it up!
Thanks a lot!!! Warms my heart to know people enjoy my music.
ooo Nice!
the first few seconds got me hooked.. 10/10 5/5 as usual from me xD KEEP EM COMING... (wow reviewed all of your songs in one night...hmmm i think Turbo! was the best LOVE YOUR WORK)
I know! Haha thanks again for all the reviews, Im very grateful.
My favorite color is dark red and my favorite animal is the wolf! =)
Age 32, Male
Joined on 10/17/07