totally awesome
that dude is a ninja lol
totally awesome
that dude is a ninja lol
i loled at the pic when he said some other guy. Mullins kicks ass! that knife fight was some serious owning going on! nice work! cant w8 for part D
dude awesome lol that was funny!! his kidney from the first one was on the snowman lol, also the starfish ruled!!!
i watched the prologue earlier and noticed that Etrius' eyes kept flashing BRIGHTLY like the Ancients eyes did, and it was only after he picked up the orb that contained their power... Foreshadowing perhaps? if not then you're pretty good at making minds wonder, anyways great job, and great job on the first and second episodes of the Repercussions series ;) keep it up man
I agree with you fillers I don't care for but during the fight between Naruto and Pien addding a filler like Hinata finally telling Naruto she loves him made for an interesting polt twist. Oh well, anyways still got a laught out of me.
holy shit that chick is bad ass!
lol it's like a free for all though! there's no,real reason they're blasting at each other!
lol wow
i loved the part where the bathtub fell thru the roof while she tried to hang herself lol that building was pretty poorly made for that to happen
the terrorists finally won because of dumbass!
Try again
Alright now I hate Link but you could of at least have him put up a fight against an army of undeads justa thought.
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Joined on 10/17/07