Quite the musical piece you have here Maestro, but i could only imagine the heroes who fought for the gods in their stead (much like their champions) rather than the actual gods themselves. But as I was thinking of this a story came to mind:
Loranthalus uttered a small prayer under his breath as he stood from his kneeling position in the foxhole he shared with four other men. He donned his helmet and took off in a sprint towards the battlefield as a giant boulder hurled from a siege machine exploded where he stood only moments before. As he came upon the battlefield a sight unlike any other took his breath. As far as the eye could see was armies of men, giants, and various creatures by the thousands. His hand tightened around the handle of his morning star and he gripped his shield more firmly as he continued his frenzied race towards the battle. He would not be daunted by any, and as he came upon his first enemy his vision went extremely vivid from adrenaline as everything around him seemed to slow down. He crushed the man's head underneath his weapon with ease as one of the giants moved in on him. He looked towards it and started forward. Today was his day to prove his courage and unwavering faith in the Gods that had chosen him. He would be one of the deciding factors that God's used to wage war!
As usual Maestro your peace kept me entertained and my imagination flowing as i listened to it on loop to write this. You never fail to please and I've got quite a list of songs from you in a playlist now haha. 5/5 and a DL from me. Keep it up, and i hope you enjoy the story.